Men Grooming

A 1-post collection

Men Grooming

By My Ultimate Guide For Everything |  Sep 8, 2019  | men-grooming, shaving

Shaving is a time consuming and challenging task for me. My goal here is to make it fun and fast for you. If you are a cartridge razor guy and it’s working just fine for you can you skip the parts that I go over my choice of razor and blade. If I use cartridge I prefer Gillette Mach3 but I still prefer something sharper and easier to clean. To be honest I’ve never tried straight razor because I simply didn’t have the guts to have one! So I can’t make any comment on that but intuitively it should be even better in terms of ease of cleaning the blade (sharpening the blade is a different story but still shouldn’t take long) and the speed.

Without any further due MUGE presents:

Shaving Cream

The Art of Shaving Shaving Cream, Sandalwood:

I like the sandalwood scent. The quality of the cream is also consistent and good. I used to use the art of shaving pre shave oil and I recommend it, if you want to make your shaving experience a little more smooth and special.

The Art of Shaving Shaving Cream, Sandalwood, 5 Ounce

The Art of Shaving Shaving Cream, Sandalwood, 5 Ounce

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